Careers Education, Information, Advice & Guidance (CEIAG) Policy
Our current PSHE and Careers Lead is Emma Reid (maternity cover for Jenn Prosser):
Our SLT Link for Careers is Tim Pickup:
The Trinity Catholic School believes it is important for all students to have opportunities to learn more about their career options once they leave school. Please find below our provider policy access statement to learn more about what we offer students.
We review our provision annually in line with the Gatsby Career Benchmarks using the Compass Assessment Framework. Students will have a wide range of opportunities to learn more about A levels, BTEC’s, T levels, Apprenticeships and University choices. Students have the opportunity to access Unifrog to help to guide them about the range of choices available.
Parent/ Carer feedback:
We welcome feedback from parents and carers about our careers provision and we are keen to hear from a parent/carer perspective how this has been received by the students. If you have any comments or suggestions, please email our careers lead on the email provided above. Please use the following link to find out more information about post-16 opportunities for our students in Nottingham. The website contains useful information for both parents/carers and students.
Careers Newsletters
Work experience
We encourage and support every year 10 and year 12 student to find a work placement for work experience week. We provide an online parent workshop to help their child find a work placement. From the 2023-24 academic year onwards all work experience placements will be arranged through Unifrog. All children at Trinity have a Unifrog account from Year 9 onwards.
Additional Useful links:
A University Graduate’s Guide to Boosting Career Prospects – 20 Ways to Stand Out to Employers