Trinity is part of the Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Multi Academy Trust, a family of 36 academies within the Catholic Diocese of Nottingham and in the Nottingham, Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire authorities. Full details and the staffing structures can be found here.
- School age range: 11 to 19
- 1143 on roll including Sixth Form
- Trinity is a Good School (Ofsted 2019 – section 5 inspection)
- A ‘Good’ Diocesan Inspection (November 2021 – section 48 inspection)
- Trinity is a thriving, high achieving school, always oversubscribed with a lovely, working atmosphere
- Wonderful relationships between staff and pupils (- HMI 2009)
- Large numbers of pupils and staff involved in extra-curricular activities
- Trinity is proud of its longstanding academic, Arts, Music and Sporting traditions
- Trinity enjoys strong relationships with local schools and parishes, the Academy Trust and the wider community
- We have separate buildings for pastoral bases: KS3 in Lower School, KS4 in Upper School and KS5 in the Sixth Form as well as two smaller SEND/EAL support centres called Elim and Emmaus
- Awards from SSAT putting Trinity in the top 20% of schools in 2016 (2), 2015 (2) and 2014 (2), for attainment and progress and a congratulatory letter from the Minister of Education Mr David Laws for public exam performance at GCSE in 2015
- Leading Edge Status since 2011
- National Support School 2012 to 2015
- International Schools Award