OFSTED and Diocesan reports

Our latest Ofsted report

The Trinity Catholic School was last inspected by Ofsted between the 12th and 13th of March 2019. The school was judged to be GOOD.

During the inspection, Inspectors observed 43 parts of lessons in a range of subjects.

Inspectors also visited 10 tutor-time sessions and three assemblies.

Inspectors spoke with five groups of pupils across all year groups and with pupils informally during the school day.

Inspectors looked at samples of pupils’ work across a broad range of curriculum subjects.

A range of documentation was examined, including the school’s self-evaluation, the school’s improvement plan, pupils’ performance information, behaviour logs, the minutes of meetings of the local governing body and a range of school policies.

Inspectors met with a range of school leaders, including the headteacher and senior leaders responsible for teaching and learning, the sixth form, behaviour and personal development. Inspectors also spoke with the designated safeguarding leader and with the coordinators for the provision for pupils with SEND and those with English as an additional language.

Inspectors met with subject leaders and a selection of staff. A discussion was held with the leader with oversight for the use of the pupil premium. The lead inspector met with three members of the local governing body, which included the chair.

A meeting was also held with members of Our Lady of Lourdes Multi-Academy Trust, which included the chief executive officer.

The lead inspector evaluated the 120 responses to Parent View, Ofsted’s online survey. The school’s own parental survey information was also considered.

Click the report below to read more.

Ofsted Pages and Inspection Reports


Latest Ofsted Report (April 2019)

Trinity Ofsted Page

Parent View

Please visit the Parent View questionnaire site to give Ofsted your view of our school.

Diocesan Canonical Inspection

Trinity underwent a Diocesan Canonical Inspection in 2021 and was judged to be (2) Good, meaning that the school is an effective Catholic school. Pupils’ needs are met well.

The inspection of The Trinity Catholic School, A Voluntary Academy, was carried out on behalf of the Bishop of Nottingham under Canon 806 of Canon Law in accordance with the evaluation schedule for diocesan canonical inspections in the Diocese of Nottingham. The inspection reviews and evaluates how effective the school is in providing Catholic education. The process begins with the school’s self-evaluation and the inspection schedule is in line with the criteria set by the National Board of Religious Inspectors and Advisers (NBRIA).

During the inspection, the inspectors observed 16 Religious Education lessons, 1 Act of Collective Worship and a class-based liturgy.

Meetings were held with the headteacher, the subject leader for Religious Education, a parish priest, the school’s lay chaplains, the Trust’s CEO and director of performance and standards and 2 governors. Discussions were also held with pupils and parents.

The inspectors scrutinised a range of documents including reports of the governing body, action plans, the school development plan, monitoring forms, assessment information and parental response forms. Inspectors also examined the work in pupils’ Religious Education books.

You can read the full report below:

The Trinity Catholic School Nottingham DCI Report