
Information for Parents

What you can expect from us?

  1. As a school, we define 97% to be good attendance as there is a strong link between positive student outcomes at Trinity with students who have over 97% attendance. If during the academic year, your child’s attendance falls below this, you will be contacted by the school.
  2. If your child’s attendance persists below our expectations, then you may be asked to come in to meet with your child’s Progress Coordinator. In that meeting, we will support you and your child with whatever may be presenting as a barrier to your child coming to school.
  3. If your child is off school for a period of three days or more then we will consider visiting your home. We do this to check your child is safe and whether there is anything we can do to support you and your child.
  4. Your child will be recognised and rewarded for excellent attendance and punctuality. We keep accurate records of attendance and punctuality to school and individual lessons.
  5. If your child is off school and we do not hear from you by 9.15 am, you will be contacted by the school to give a reason for your child’s absence.

What we would like from you?

  1. Please do your best to ensure your child comes to school on time and every day
  2. If you think your child may be too unwell to come to school, consult the NHS medical guidance on “is my child too ill to come to school?
  3. If your child is not in school, please contact the school every day to explain why your child is off. Contact can be made by ringing the school office or on the Arbor App.
  4. If your child is off school for three days or more, please take your child to your local GP and get a doctor’s note for proof of illness. This can be a doctor’s appointment card, letter or prescription note.
  5. If you would like to request a term time absence, you must contact Mr Pickup. Please be advised that term-time absence requests are only granted for exceptional circumstances, and where possible must be submitted 12 days before the first day of the proposed absence. Please fill out the following form if you would like to make an absence request:

Attendance Policy

View our attendance policy HERE

Why is it important to attend school every day?

Pupil Attendance TTS