It is our belief at Trinity that all pupils achieve their greatest potential when they receive excellent classroom teaching, pastoral guidance and support from home. With this in mind, interventions are put in place to support pupils in addition to classroom teaching where this is deemed to be appropriate and where resources allow. Many of the initiatives that we use at Trinity to allow pupils who may otherwise not be working at age appropriate level to make progress compliment other agendas. For example, there is significant cross over with the Pupil Premium agenda which is detailed in the Trinity Handbook.
Interventions that are specifically related to Year 7 Literacy and Numeracy that are implemented to target pupils who have low prior attainment at Key Stage 2 include, but are not restricted to, the following:
One to One Tutoring
Trinity employs a number of Literacy and Numeracy specialists who deliver one to one tutoring during the school day for pupils who are identified as those who would benefit. This includes a number of Year 7 pupils, some of whom did not achieve the expected level of achievement at the end of Key Stage 2.
Paired Reading and Supported Reading
Paired reading and Reading Recovery have been found to make a difference for low attainers (Smith and Ellis, 2005; Brooks, 2002) Extract from the DfE publication “Literacy and numeracy catch-up strategies” November 2012. Each Wednesday morning approximately 30 targeted pupils read for 25 minutes supported by volunteer Sixth Form students. Approximately a further 10 Year 7 pupils have supported reading in the Emmaus Centre supported by Teaching Assistants.
EAL (English as an Additional Language) Support
As a school with a high proportion of pupils (37%) who speak English as an additional language we are very aware of the challenges that these pupils face and the advantages this can bring to the school and to these pupils. Pupils who are identified as requiring additional support to access the curriculum receive support in lessons and have one to one support where appropriate.
Library Lesson
In order to foster a love of reading and to encourage independent reading all Year 7 pupils have a lesson in addition to their English lessons where they have access to the Lower School library to read and exchange books. These lessons are supported by the school librarian in addition to the class teacher and any teaching assistants allocated to classes.
One to One Tutoring
Trinity employs a number of Literacy and Numeracy specialists who deliver one to one tutoring during the school day for pupils who are identified as those who would benefit. This includes a number of Year 7 pupils, some of whom did not achieve the expected level of achievement at the end of Key Stage 2.
Small Group Tuition
A small number of high need pupils are withdrawn from all Maths lessons in order to focus on numeracy and fundamental skills. This is delivered in a small group setting in the Emmaus Centre by Teaching Assistants.
Differentiation of Resources
A number of physical resources such as card sort exercises, number lines and online games have been developed to support the low ability groups.
We use MyMaths across all abilities in Key Stage 3 and 4. There are a number of useful booster packs aimed at Levels 3 and 4 to promote catch up to age related levels.
Transition Programme
In addition to pastoral transition we have focused attention on academic transition in Maths making use of guidance from the Education Improvement Board in Nottingham. Year 6 teachers across our feeder schools completed a topic in the summer term and were visited by our Year 7 teachers. This topic is the focus on the Year 6 transition day that each pupil attended in the summer term and was continued in the first term of Year 7. Provision is made for the pupils who join the school from non-feeder schools as the topic can work as a stand alone topic.
This transition project has proved to secure progress in all pupils especially those who have low levels of prior attainment.
Lunchtime Support
Every lunch time several members of the Mathematics department staff are available to support pupils of all ages and abilities. This facility is used well and by many pupils. It has the added advantage of facilitating younger and less able pupils seeing older and more able students challenged and seeking support along side them. This fosters a positive environment and an interest in learning Maths.
Generic Strategies
In addition to specific interventions at Trinity we recognise the importance of a smooth transition from Primary to Secondary school. Pupils are visited at their primary school (feeder schools and primary schools with significant number of pupils transitioning to Trinity only), and have a day transition at Trinity where they experience a day of lessons. Furthermore, pupils with anxiety about moving schools, Special Educational Needs or EHCP (Education Health and Care Plan) or those who play an instrument are invited for a second day focusing on these areas.
Small Class Sizes
At Trinity we invest a significant amount of the allocated whole school budget to ensure that class sizes are small. The impact of this is especially evident in classes of lower ability. Yeargroups are divided into two parallel halves of equal ability and then divided into streams by ability. These streams allow for pupils who need additional help to have greater levels of support from the classroom teacher. Typically, although it varies from year to year and with ability, class sizes can range from 30 pupils in a high ability group to classes as small as 14 in a Year 7 class. (In older yeargroups, there are smaller groups on occasion, as necessary.)
Pupils identified on Registers
Although the Catch Up Premium targets Literacy and Numeracy which is most specifically taught through English and Maths lessons, all subject teachers are informed of which pupils in their classes are identified as having achieved below age related expecation at KS2 so support can be given appropraitely in all lessons.
Monitoring Assessments
At each assessment point, pupils progress is monitored. This happens frequently throughout the year. This is through formal summarive assessments, classwork and homework.
Monitoring Report
English and Maths departments produce a monitoring report on pupils in receipt of Catch Up Premium for internal purposes.
Impact of Intervention 2015-16
2 pupils arrived below age related expectation at KS2. By the end of Year 7 both had secured levels in line with age related expectation for the end of Year 7.
8 pupils arrived below age related expectation in 2015. By the end of their Year 7, all had made progress. 4 are now considered to be at age related standards. 2 continue to work towards this and 2 continue to work with additional support.
- Literacy and Numeracy Strategies for SchoolsDfE Literacy and Numeracy Catch Up