The Year 12 and 13 Politics students recently went on a tour round the Palace of Westminster to aid their understanding of Britain’s political process.
We started the day by visiting the British Museum, then went for a walk round the sights of London. We took in China town, Trafalgar Sqaure, the treasury, Horse Guards, the National police Memorial, the War office and the Supreme Court. We then headed to the Palaces of Westminster. After an engaging tour of the Commons and Lords we then undertook a workshop on manifestos.
Finally, we were privileged to meet our local MP, Alex Norris who gave an outstanding talk on local politics to our students.
Mr Howell would like to thank all the pupils for their enthusiasm during the day.
36 Year 8 students took part in an IET Faraday® Challenge Day on Wednesday 13th November. Students became real-life engineers for a day where they researched, designed and built solutions to real engineering problems as part of the Institution of Engineering and Technology’s IET Faraday® Challenge Day.
IET Faraday® Challenge Days are run by regional delivery partners across the UK with up to six teams of local school students competing at each event to find the best solution to an engineering-related challenge.
This year’s challenge is in association with UKRI’s Faraday Battery Challenge, but the brief for these young engineers is hidden in secrecy to avoid unfair preparation and research. Teams must race against the clock to solve a real-life engineering problem, putting their engineering and technology knowledge and skills to the test.
Natalie Moat, IET Faraday® Education Manager, said: “Students who take part in the IET Faraday® Challenge Days this year will experience working as an engineer through hands-on and practical engagement with a real-life challenge relating to UKRI’s Faraday Battery Challenge.
There is a huge demand for new engineers and technicians, and we are confident that this will challenge young people’s perceptions of engineering and inspire the next generation by giving them an insight into the life of a real engineer and show them just how exciting and creative engineering really is.”
The events aim to encourage more young people to study and consider exciting and rewarding careers in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) by using creativity, innovation and problem-solving skills.
Team 4 were the winners of the day and gained a place on the season’s league table. The top teams from across the UK will receive an all-expenses paid trip to the national final in June 2025 to compete for a cash prize of up to £1,000 for their school.
The IET’s challenge leaders were extremely impressed by how Trinity students used their prior knowledge to tackle the real-world problem given to them.
Mrs Buxton would like to say a big thank you to the IET’s challenge leaders, Paula and Niall, for running the session for our students. We hope to see them again next year!
Students and staff, as usual, have held the annual remembrance day service this year. The service, as usual, was setup and run by Mr Howell and Mr Stevens assisted by a couple of students who read out prayers and war poetry.
One student from every class in the school attended the service, where prayers poems and passages were read out, a wreath was laid and crosses were placed neatly in the grass by the Emmaus Centre to honour those who have fought and those who have died in war and conflict for this country.
At 11am the whole school stood for a two minutes silence before the last post was played by Mr Wright. The class representatives then returned from the service with readings and prayers for each class.
The service this year was even more poignant, considering all the wars and unrest happening around the world.
Thank you to everyone who attended our 2024 Open Evening . We had an array of activities on show from sports games and maths quizzes to musical performances and science experiments.
We hope that you enjoyed your visit and we look forward to seeing lots of you next year.
For more information regarding the admission process, please visit our admissions page.

On the 21st of March, the Trinity Wargaming Club went to Warhammer World for a day of wargaming. Amidst the rattle of automatic fire and the thunder of artillery the Trinity team played Warhammer 40,000 against 18 other schools.
Between Games, we also went on an inspiring and educational tour of the Wargaming Museum. Pupils were astounded by the skill of the painters on display and marvelled at the serried ranks arrayed in combat.
Mr Howell would like to thank all the pupils involved. They were a delight to take on a trip. Well-mannered and enthusiastic, the pupils were great ambassadors for their school and a number of the pupils received prizes for good sportsmanship and excellent manners, as well as for helping out players from other Schools.
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